Outrageous Copper Pantone Cmyk

Pantone PMS 16-1325 TCX Copper c47e5a Hex Color Code.
Copper pantone cmyk. Whereas in a cmyk colour house its composed of 0 cyan 37 5 magenta 72 3 yellow and 27 8 black. Convert Pantone 16-1325 TPX Copper color into RGB Hex and CMYK values. 0 0 0 100.
The hexadecimal color code c47e5a is a shade of orange. Atlanta Thrashers Hex RGB PANTONE and CMYK Color Codes. 18 1537 tpg copper coin.
Please note that RGB HexHTML values will differ between the PANTONE Color Finder and the PANTONE Color Bridge Guides due to different standards for print and digital use. Specify and manage color across print graphics digital design web animation and video. The Atlanta Thrashers colors were Atlanta Midnight Blue Thrasher Ice Blue Georgia Bronze Capitol Copper Peachtree Gold and White.
Compare 2135 Pantone Spot colors with their closest industry-standard CMYK color matches. PMS is a unique color space used by designers in various industries to deliver quality offset printing. CMYK stands for Cyan Magenta Yellow Keyblack.
It can be applied to web pages with its hex RGB or HSL values. Copper in the CMYK color model has the values 10 50 90 10 which means it has 90 of yellow 50 of magenta 10 of cyan and 10 of black. The Cal Poly Mustangs logo has Cal Poly green Cal Poly Vegas gold Cal Poly copper gold and black colors with a running horse between words Cal and Poly and the word.
Whereas in a CMYK color space it is composed of 0 cyan 375 magenta 723 yellow and 278 black. This returns a value of 7421 C shown below which is a very dark red color. 0 0 0 CMYK.